Fridays Chat w/Vlad - April 15, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. How are my interweb peeps doing today?? aka my VLADIATORS. I took the opportunity to get some me time last week. Part of this time was spent with management telling them about my views on the operation of the center and the stress I am under making sure everything runs smoothly. The stress comes in all shapes and sizes. There are things like Yuri getting his head stuck in a box of star spangled ding dongs. He stumbled around tripping over all the food bowls. Repeated attempts to pull it off failed and we feared his thrashing about could cause bodily harm. We were about to call for the jaws of life when I found the reason it would not come off was Yuri had 10 ding dongs stuffed in his mouth. Once he let go of them the box fell of his head.

Then there was the spat between Lena and Leika. I am not sure of all the details but it had something to do with Lena offending Leika by walking by and having her tail hit her in the face. I had to step in to prevent them from coming to blows. Leika has a bit of a short fuse.

Of course there is also the constant concern over Panda and Lucan plotting a mutiny. I am sure you can see the tremendous pressure I am under just keeping order.

When I told this to management they listened, gave me a pep talk, a scratch behind my ears and sent me on my way. Now the scratch behind the ears was nice but the pep talk was about as useful as my nipples.

To conclude my me time I read some mail from my adoring fans and looked at some of the gifts sent to us. A fan from Greenland sent us some bottled water made from melted icebergs. I think it was probably meant for Freddy the Arctic fox but truth be told he hates the cold. At the first sign of inclement weather he puts himself away. Seeing as I was thirsty and Freddy would not appreciate it unless it was lemming flavored, which it was not, I drank it. It was then time to return to the others. I could not leave the crazies running the nut house for too long. And with that my ME time became WE time….until the iceberg water kicked in then it was PEE time.

Vlad out.