Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. Today I wanted to talk to my fans about the importance of play. Everybody knows when we’re young we play all the time, but just because we get a bit older does not mean we need to stop. I mean look at me. I am a mature fox with the weight of the world on my shoulders but when I see the rings, I drop everything and give them a good chew…And then give them a toss in hopes of hitting someone.
Young canids often play to practice skills they will need to perfect in order to survive in the wild. For instance, when young #dorkwolf was playing, he was preparing for the day he would need to take down a caribou. As fate would have it, he will never need to take down a caribou but he still uses those skills to take down anyone brave enough to enter the octagon with him, and he has loads of fun doing it.
Now Yuri has his own idea of fun. I’m sure you have all heard of bobbing for apples. Well, Yuri puts a slight twist to it and engages in bobbing for bear claws. Yuri, being no rocket scientist, fails to take into account that once the bear claws hit the water they lose all integrity and transmogrify into a soggy bloated gooey sludge. There really isn’t much to bob for at this point as the contents of the bucket become like a big bear claw smoothie. Needless to say, this is a solitary activity for Yuri, but as long as he has fun that is all that matters.
Laika also has her favorite way to play. Her toy of choice is a wadded up piece of fire hose. We all think it’s because she is a real hot head. She can gnaw on this thing for hours and you better not try to take it away from her or else you’ll see the fire breathing dragon she can be.
Of course It is well know that Viktor has a love affair with pink pigs. Why pink pigs you ask…we really don’t know, but we do know the pig needs to be pink. Any other color just won’t do.
So what I am saying is no matter what your age and how busy you are, always make sure you leave time to play. I would however strongly recommend you stay away from anything involving bear claw smoothies.
Vlad out.