Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. I have a bone to pick with you today. Every week I dedicate my valuable time to having these chats with you in order to give you a “look under the hood” of the JAB canid Education and Conservation Center. Using my foxy wit I make you laugh and make you cry...and make you better people. Now, I’m not one who needs external validation to feel special. I am Vlad!! a natural born leader and everyone’s favorite fox. I’m fully aware of how extraordinarily I am. That being said, management tells me the more engagement our posts get, the more likely large companies will work with us, which means we can help more Canids. So I tell management fine, I will get more engagement. After all, I am the most interesting fox in the world. I don’t always complain about social media but when I do you better take heed...or else someone’s gonna get 💩 on.
Last week I did a profile on ambassador Ishy and posted a baby picture of her. The reach of that post was about 10 times greater than my normal posts. Now I have nothing against Ishy and sure, she was cute as a kit, but frankly the only way she would have an original thought would be to borrow one. I mean we have lots of pictures of Ishy, but is that what you really want...all Ishy, all the time? Other than Ishy’s “foxy on fleek” look she really doesn’t have much to offer you in a chat.
So here’s your you want the witty repartee I dish out week after week or a quick cheap thrill looking at Ishy accompanied by the requisite “awww”? Really this is more of a rhetorical question. I am aware of the sophistication of my Vladiators and realize the importance you place on having me in your lives. In closing I will leave you with this thought...other than Vlad you know what else starts with “V”??? Viral. Just sayin. Stay foxy my friends.
Vlad out.