Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. After looking at some of the comments on my previous chats, I got the impression that some of you don’t realize how humble and giving I am. In order to demonstrate these fine qualities, that I have in abundance, I will be doing an ambassador profile on a fox other than myself.
Ishy is a American fox that was the third fox to come to JABCECC. She was acquired as a friend to Boris and Sophia, the Russian Foxes. Management wanted to be able to look at the differences between Belaev foxes and US foxes. Us Russian foxes have been selected for just tameness for over 60 years, whereas American foxes have not.
Little Ishy was a fireball from day one. Even though she was the runt of the litter she had no problems going toe to toe with her litter mates. She was quite a handful for Boris and Sophie which required them to give her a beat down on a nearly daily basis.
As Ishy grew up she learned a lot from Boris and Sophie. For instance, she learned that people can be pretty cool and give you good stuff. Even with this knowledge she still was given the nickname “Ishy bites”. While on the surface she was ok hanging out with people, deep down she still likes to just don’t get her mad.
Foxes like Ishy are just a few generations removed from fur farms. This fact becomes evident when she gets her winter coat and it is responsible for her second nickname “Ishy squishy”. This is because her fur gets so long she looks like a big squishy marshmallow.
Ishy is able to participate in encounters and people seem to think she is cute. Those of you that have met her may know one of her favorite foods are cucumbers. She goes crazy for least more crazy then usual. Ishy also really likes watermelon.
See, a whole chat with nary a mention of myself...your favorite fox. Such a display of humility is....humbling.
Vlad out.
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