Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - Aug 12, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. You may of heard that on Oct. 1 JABCECC will be having our annual fundraiser. This will be an experience you will definitely not want to miss. To make the occasion extra special, management has put me in charge of entertainment. Vasily said he could do stand up comedy and tried a joke out on me. “What do you call a magic dog??? A labrabracadabrador”. After that I thought it would be imperative to call a staff meeting to discuss everything, but unfortunately, as is the case with many of our meetings, things got a bit raucous. You can see me calling for order in the video I posted.

Our meeting started with Lena being recognized to read the minutes from our last meeting. Lena explained the minutes did not exist due to an “incident”. After further questioning on the exact nature of the incident, Lena said right after the last meeting Yuri decided to attempt the kitchen sink challenge. This is a contest sponsored the San Francisco Creamery. All one needs to do is finish their kitchen sink sundae in under 30 minutes and they get free ice cream for a year. This sundae consists of three sliced bananas, 8 scoops of ice cream, 8 servings of toppings, chocolate sauce, mounds of whipped cream, chopped toasted almonds and cherries. Yuri thought this would be no problem at all. Just before he was ready to take his first bite, Sergei mentioned that he probably shouldn’t eat it as chocolate sauce is bad for foxes. Upon hearing this Yuri was crushed. In a rare emotional outburst he threw his spoon which bounced off Laika’s head, ricocheted off Sasha’s leg, struck Panda’s bacon scented garden gnome chew toy, before flying back towards Yuri. He ducked and the spoon crashed into the bowl containing the kitchen sink. The bowl broke and the contents oozed out onto the table. The minutes from the last meeting were also on the table and started to commingle with the sundae. In an unfortunate turn of events the ink used was soluble in maraschino cherry juice and quickly dissolved into oblivion.

With no minutes to read, anarchy ensued. The meeting was adjourned and rescheduled.

Vlad out.
#vlad #kitchensinkchallenge